
Anna was born on 24.11.1985. Novocherkassk, Russia.
In 2010 has been actively engaged in painting, poetry; lead exhibition activity, travel.
From 2011 to 2015 visited countries such as India, Kenya, France, Italy, Spain, Slovakia, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Nepal, Tibet, Thailand, creating paintings and drawings.

«One day in May, I realized that I live someone else's life - not mine. I suddenly wanted to change everything, to get out of your comfort zone to do something incredible for myself: I changed everything, totally left in the picture. Two years working in the studio, not knowing and not planning further, being in the moment, in the flow, which carried me with great speed to the other side ... And then for the first time in many years, I flew on a plane to India: simply buying a ticket. This trip turned everything else that has somehow been stable at that time. Taste of travel turned out so beautiful, now I can not imagine my life without the new countries and experiences».


The first exhibition took Anna 24.11.2010 the day of her twenty-fifth birthday. At the celebration there were only the most close people and friends. In the shadows the artist reading poetry to paintings by long sounds of a saxophone.

«The first exhibition was very difficult for me - the first to bring to the audience his canvases-experience - it was not easy. Fear and doubt haunted me, and uncertainty crept into dreams ... But the party was a success, I will always remember that night, all that happened for the first time. I wore a blue dress with polka dots, which later I dedicated one of his self-portraits - «Buttons» The first exhibition was the first pictures ever since I grew up in a nice picturesque terms».

Then there were several large and colorful solo exhibitions: «Striped Vests, or Bygone Summer», «Red Shoes», «Eyes», «The Walk», which invariably intertwined music, poetry and, of course, a multi-faceted, deep, lyrical painting.

«Each exhibition for me - it's a huge, joyful holiday! Always I getting ready for Opening Day, always buy a new dress or a nice hat, invite musicians, print postcards with pictures, choose poems. On the «Striped Vests ... » was a dress code, and all the friends came in striped T-shirts, and accordion sounded shrill; at the «Red Shoes» - a whole orchestra played, we sang and danced! And on the «Walk» I wore a hat from Copenhagen ... The exhibition - it is always joyful communion viewer and author, as an artist - also a great opportunity to look at ourselves, to see and feel your swing - where to go».


After esoteric expedition to the source of the Ganges (India) in 2012. and around Mount Kailash (Tibet) in 2014. the artist has created a series of paintings and drawings dedicated to these places. Series of Tibetan paintings became a member of many meditations from Tibetan singing bowls - a magical tool for disclosure of internal of people.

«I received initiation into the practice of Tibetan singing bowls, when I went to Tibet - and the magic vibration bowls and Tibet itself, made me a very strong impression, it is now an integral part of my life, I practice meditation and massage with them, I draw about Tibet paintings. I saw a lot of quotes humanity so much about Tibet will draw».

New and first Anna’s exhibition abroad opened in April in the French city of Grenoble in the Alps, the exhibition was a great success with the public. After the opening day the artist went to travel in Provence, on the Côte d'Azur, to Paris to gain new experiences and be inspired to create new paintings.

«France loved so much me! I feel it every second there. In this trip, I saw places Cezanne and Van Gogh is now clear to me from this «green», the «cypress trees»; visited museums Chagall, Matisse, Orangerie, Orsay ... Oh, Paris! In me forever - my own little Montmartre, passion Modigliani, Chagall paints and flight, perseverance and secret knowledge of Vincent ...
I am happy, because I create, breathe, see and feel. The world is huge, magic, there are millions of possibilities for the implementation of any beautiful dream, if you believe in it.
I thank everyone who believed in me!»

© Anna Tarasenko